Neighborhood Guide

West Village

Neighborhood Overview
The West Village is bordered by Houston Street to the south and 14th Street to the North. It extends east-west from 6th Avenue to The Hudson River. Many of its streets are narrow and densely treed, making the Village feel more like Europe than a neighborhood in New York. Housing
Like the people who live here, West Village apartments are a mixed bag. From prewar, doorman luxury to bright loft spaces to more affordable new construction buildings, there’s a little bit of everything here.
One highlight is Piccolo Angolo. The Spotted Pig is New York City’s first gastro-pub and the exclusive Waverly Inn is nice if you can get a table.
The epitomy of New York City trendy nightlife is located in the Meatpacking District, a section of the West Village. It is chock full of hip restaurants, exclusive clubs and chic boutiques.
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Great Outdoors
Take a walk on the High Line or ride a bike or go for a jog in Hudson River Park.

West Village Listings